One of the things that I have really enjoyed in my time working with Keller, is the long-term planning.  When we’re talking putting up a building it’s ‘hey did you think about this long-term, what happens in five (5) years, what’s going to be the maximum number of people that you’re looking at bringing on?’  I have really appreciated that because those are some of the things that I wouldn’t necessarily be thinking about, that’s not in my realm, and Keller absolutely just hits a homerun when planning [for] that.
- Kirk Midthun, General Manager  , McNeilus Steel Inc.
209,150 Sq. Ft.

McNeilus Steel, Inc.

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
13,500 Sq. Ft.

MBW Incorporated

Slinger, Wisconsin
218,380 Sq. Ft.

F Street / Southpoint Commerce Park

Appleton, Wisconsin
86,500 Sq. Ft.

M-B Companies A Brand of Aebi Schmidt

Chilton, Wisconsin

Professional Plating, Inc.

Brillion, Wisconsin
103,000 Sq. Ft.

Dielectric Manufacturing

Germantown, Wisconsin
21,464 Sq. Ft.

Wisconsin Lighting Lab, Inc.

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
234,433 Sq. Ft.

F Street

St. Augusta, Minnesota
40,000 Sq. Ft.

Switchgear Power Systems LLC

Winneconne, Wisconsin
75,000 Sq. Ft.

Poly Vinyl Co

Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin
38,000 Sq. Ft.

Wisconsin Plastic Products, Inc.

Plymouth, Wisconsin
185,050 Sq. Ft.

Wisconsin Foam Products, Inc.

Madison, Wisconsin
28,103 Sq. Ft.

Tommy Docks

Weston, Wisconsin
18,950 Sq. Ft.

North Shore Environmental Construction

Germantown, Wisconsin
28,800 Sq. Ft.

Neway Packaging Corporation

De Pere, Wisconsin
72,800 Sq. Ft.

Laserform LLC

De Pere, Wisconsin
12,000 Sq. Ft.

Chief River Nursery

Grafton, Wisconsin
22,027 Sq. Ft.

Badger Tag & Label Corporation

Random Lake, Wisconsin
35,500 Sq. Ft.

Tri City Glass & Door

Green Bay, Wisconsin
20,500 Sq. Ft.

CECOR (Urso & Urso, Inc. Company)

Belleville, Wisconsin
400,270 Sq. Ft.

Bay Industries, Inc. (The Bay Family of Companies)

Green Bay, Wisconsin
107,000 Sq. Ft.

Endries International, Inc.

Brillion, Wisconsin
23,950 Sq. Ft.

Hellenbrand Glass LLC

Waunakee, Wisconsin
24,000 Sq. Ft.

Membrane Process & Controls

Edgar, Wisconsin
40,200 Sq. Ft.

Midland Plastics, Inc.

De Pere, Wisconsin
17,500 Sq. Ft.

Precision Installations, Inc.

Neenah, Wisconsin
9,000 Sq. Ft.

Halquist Stone

Sussex, Wisconsin
31,939 Sq. Ft.

JME Ellsworth Company, Inc.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin